Matt & Rosalie
The Meet cute
Matt and Rosalie first met in San Francisco in the fall of 2017. Their love story started the way all great romances do - on a dating app. After some witty banter and a failed attempt to sell Rosalie a ticket to Matt’s now-infamous birthday slash halloween bash, a date was scheduled.
The two had originally planned to meet the following Thursday, but Rosalie threw a wrench in those plans when two days beforehand she moved the date up to that very evening. And so it was that the two met over margaritas at one of Matt’s favorite Marina haunts on a Tuesday evening that just so happened to be Halloween.
The only two not in costume and barely able to hear a word the other said over the booming music, sparks somehow still flew, and five years later the couple is getting ready to say “I do”.

The Proposal
Matt Proposed on December 9th, 2021 on a weekend getaway to New Orleans. Matt is the planner in the relationship, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary that he had planned the entire trip, but Rosalie still had a feeling. At what she had been told would be a “pop up holiday bar” (which is exactly the kind of place he would have found to take her to if it did exist), Matt got down on one knee and popped the question.